Netduma R1

Current Firmware


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Release Notes

Netduma R1

  • Ping Assist v2: it's back and it’s better than ever. Ping Assist lets low ping hosts to connect to you even if they are outside your Geo-Filter limit, helping you to quickly find high quality, low ping games.
  • Hybrid VPN: apply your VPN to your entire network and also choose the devices and applications you want to put through your VPN using DumaOS Deep Packet Inspection.
  • Advanced Ping Stats: see the Server (Host) Tickrate and Receive Rate, as well as your own Client Tickrate and Send Rate. This allows you to see the quality of your game's connection in far more detail than ever before.
  • Device Manager Enhancements: shows every device on your Network and you can now view this as a sortable table, to give you easier administration.

Installation Instructions:

  • Go to your R1 interface (usually at
  • In the top right corner, click the icon that looks like a clock with a circular arrow around it. (Pre-DumaOS, go to the Upgrade option in the left-hand menu)
  • Select the upgrade file from wherever you saved it onto your PC then click Upgrade.
  • It will take about 60 seconds for your R1 to upgrade, so please be patient. DO NOT POWER OFF YOUR ROUTER DURING THIS TIME
  • You should automatically be taken back to the interface. If this does not happen, check your PC hasn't connected you to a different WiFi whilst the R1 was temporarily offline. The default login details are admin and password
v.1.03.6jRelease firmware